

Everyone is called to do something with their lives. That calling is something innate, and cannot be unheard. Some call it your gut, some call it your destiny. I call it the Holy Spirit. But however you refer to it, and however you hear it, it holds such an influence on your lifetime outlook and overall happiness. Those who plod through life with chips on their shoulders, dead-end jobs and tense necks are simply those who are not heeding their call.

This is what I am called to do: write. With every word written here I am living my dream. Now… I am fully aware that the things I write about are obscure, edgy and maybe even shocking to some. Some people will take one look at my RuPaul’s Drag Race posts and damn me to hell. They’ll read what I’m saying toward people that use a Club for their car and call me a hateful, negative person. They’ll read my 7th gen gaming article and say ‘You’re so out of touch, what do you know?!’ Some readers will pass me by without a second glance.


What they won’t get is that I’m giving a voice to people and things that haven’t had a voice before, or were unable to project. Drag Race is still a niche show with a limited audience, but now you, the reader, know about it if you didn’t before. If anything it raised awareness, and that’s all any classically trained PR guy like myself tries to accomplish. And be honest, when’s the last time you heard about The Club? Or even knew about a game called Burning Rangers?

Let’s be real: for this blog to turn into my livelihood it’s going to need that one person to view it, like what they read and want me on their team. You are my future ally, my future fanbase, my future employer. That is how this blog will become my career. And it’s going to happen. Hopefully sooner rather than later but it will happen. The Holy Spirit does not lie. 

So if you’re one of those people who are judging me purely by my critiques of drag queens and old video games, you’re not someone I want to be involved with. There’s a lot more that I like to write about that you will never know.

And for those who are enjoying what they’ve been reading so far, drop me a personal line. Let me know what you have to offer, or what you’d like me to write about. Tell me how you can put me on the map and how together we can make our impact on the world. This very moment is when it all begins. The call to action.

Don’t get defensive about your dreams. Learn how to empower them. And love doing what you do.

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