Everyone is called to do something with their lives. That calling is something innate, and cannot be unheard. Some call it your gut, some call it your destiny. I call it the Holy Spirit. But however you refer to it, and however you hear it, it holds such an influence on your lifetime outlook and overall happiness. Those who plod through life with chips on their shoulders, dead-end jobs and tense necks are simply those who are not heeding their call.
Everyone is called to do something with their lives. That calling is something innate, and cannot be unheard. Some call it your gut, some call it your destiny. I call it the Holy Spirit. But however you refer to it, and however you hear it, it holds such an influence on your lifetime outlook and overall happiness. Those who plod through life with chips on their shoulders, dead-end jobs and tense necks are simply those who are not heeding their call.
Forgotten Gaming - Burning Rangers
Name- Burning Rangers
Platform- Sega Saturn
Developer- Sonic Team
Released- May 1998
ESRB Rating- ...seriously?
The Sega Saturn is seen by some as Sega’s greatest console. Others see it as Sega’s worst, and the rest see it as ‘the Sega what??’. The Saturn was the perfect representative for the darkest, most confused era of Sega’s history, and only at the tail end of its brief life did its finest games see release. Games like Panzer Dragoon Saga, Radiant Silvergun (which is where ‘Warning: No Refuge’ comes from), House of the Dead… and Burning Rangers.
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The graphics are astounding and horrible at the same time. |
So what’s this game all about? Sonic Team takes us to a space-age future where fire is one of the only natural hazards remaining, and the Burning Rangers are a team of neo-firefighters sent to extinguish flames and rescue trapped civilians. Playing as either Shou or Tillis, the game takes place over four scenarios (levels) connected by a loose storyline. You extinguish fires with your water gun, gather crystals (akin to Sonic the Hedgehog’s rings), rescue victims and destroy the boss in the heart of each level.
Here’s where things get interesting. There is no in-game map of these sprawling locations, and after clearing each stage once they can be repeated but in a randomized layout. Victim locations, backdrafts and certain hallways will mix up each time you play the stage, bringing the replay value from nonexistent to nearly infinite. In lieu of a map system your character gets voice navigation from BR leader Chris. Though Chris will generally point you in the right direction, Burning Rangers is a game designed to be explored and get lost in. After all, there’s no way to put out all the fires and locate all the victims besides randomly running into them.
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The jetpack worn by your character was meant to reference the silhouette of an angel. |
While you’re getting lost in blackout hallways and water channels, don’t forget that the stage is constantly on fire. There’s a ‘limit’ to how much fire the stage can handle, and by extinguishing fires that percentage will stay low. Once the limit passes an increment of 20, back-to-back explosions permanently damage the stage, allowing less margins for error as you press on.
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Hyper Jetpack Stylized Boxart, GO!! |
As one of the Saturn’s swan songs, Burning Rangers had a limited print run and only survived on store shelves briefly until the Sega Dreamcast took over in 1999. Nowadays, though the Japanese version is much cheaper and easier to find on eBay, the North American version is much rarer and goes for at least $100. Due to the game’s heavy reliance on English, spoken and written, importing to cut costs is not the wisest decision.
The Club
Does anyone remember The Club? Not the song, not the movie, not even the Sega video game, but the anti-theft steering wheel lock. This thing was mad popular in the 90s, especially in urban areas. It was a long metal rod with hooks on each end, usually coated in a bright-colored plastic to draw attention to itself (and its patents pending no less). It would hook across a steering wheel and lock into place with a key. The idea was if it was installed correctly, its protruding length and shape would prevent the wheel from turning all the way around, rendering it unable to be stolen and effectively driven away.
Every time you wanted to drive your clubbed car, you would have to unlock it, retract it and throw it on the passenger-side floor. And being a giant metal rod, this thing was pretty heavy. Not to mention you would have an extra key on your keyring now that you’d have to lug around and remember you even have. If someone needed to drive your car you had better remembered to give them your Club key!
Again this was most popular in areas that required you to feel that your car could be jacked at a moment’s notice. Stopping at CVS for that toilet plunger you thought you had when you needed it? Don’t forget to install your Club! Need to change your parking spot so the metermaid doesn’t get on your ass? Unhook, drive 10 feet, park then rehook! After a while it almost becomes second nature, until you realize what the hell you’re actually doing.
What gets me the most is the pompousness of it: a large day-glo eyesore that attracted attention more than it tried to deter it. It screams, “I know you want to steal my car but I’m going to make it difficult for you to do it!” Note I said difficult and not impossible, because hacking a Club is as easy as picking a lock. And since they already picked the lock of the car door to get in, the thieves are already halfway there. Back to the pompousness though. Not only is the car owner begging to get broken into by installing that wretched thing on his wheel, but he’s actually making us believe that his car is one we want to break into. As if he’s got the most desirable car in the world, he already made the decision for us that we want to steal it, and he’s already got that circumvented via a long red stick. What an ass.
So what put this 90s relic in my head, you ask? I parked next to a car last week that had a Club in the ‘steal me!’ position and the memories flooded in. Memories of my beloved deceased grandparents who Clubbed their ’92 Mercury Grand Marquis every time they parked without fail. They were lifelong Brooklyn residents and Grandpa drove until his death in 1999. 90s era, check. Sketchy neighborhood, check. Yep, they qualified to be in the Club. And for whatever reason, while Grandma still drove into the 2000s, she stopped using it. Maybe because it was getting too heavy for her to keep bothering with. Or maybe she had one too many keys on her keyring and something had to go. Or maybe she realized just how useless it was.
Though my grandparents were (barely) justified in using it then, no one is justified in using it now. When I saw that recent Club I was in one of the richest towns in the state, with certainly no danger of theft. Oh, and that car I saw it in? A beat-up Cadillac nearly as old as I am. Who the hell would want to steal that? Half of the trouble in using a Club is you have to have a car that’s actually worth something on the black market, or at least the Kelley Blue Book. You want to Club your 2013 BMW, or your Viper or any other desired car brand (I’m not really familiar with them). But even then you shouldn’t want to do it. They are far from foolproof, they’re cumbersome, and their relevance in society died along with the VHS tape.
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Just look at this thing. |
Every time you wanted to drive your clubbed car, you would have to unlock it, retract it and throw it on the passenger-side floor. And being a giant metal rod, this thing was pretty heavy. Not to mention you would have an extra key on your keyring now that you’d have to lug around and remember you even have. If someone needed to drive your car you had better remembered to give them your Club key!
The Seventh Generation May Ruin the Game Industry
If attitudes don’t change, the PS3 and Xbox 360 will lead the industry to a second crash. Let me explain.
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This poor man's Pac-Man wasn't fooling anyone. |
Then Nintendo came over in 1985 and turned the home gaming market back into hearts and flowers (yeah right), but more on them another day.
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Thing 1 and Thing 2. |
Both Microsoft and (especially) Sony also tried to invigorate and capitalize on 3D gaming at this time, which of course never got off the ground due to the cost, glasses and discomfort of current 3DTVs. (Also notice that 3D movie releases are starting to cool down in 2013… maybe we can get back to the world before Avatar ever existed and lit studios on fire to 3D-ify everything.)
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Guy With a Gun + Numbered Sequel = UGH. |
Microsoft and Sony are adamant that their consoles still have the legs to continue into the mid-2010s. And I agree with them completely. The Xbox 360 and PS3 were and still are very powerful machines. Graphics are unrivaled and photorealistic when they need to be. Sound of course is as good as it will ever get. Their controllers are essentially the same and have been adopted as the de facto industry standard. Most importantly, both consoles have online networks that have branched into other media playback, so these devices can do much more than play games. A lot of these online extensions (games, movies, etc) come at a price, resulting in gamers paying hundreds and hundreds for access to things they don’t physically, tangibly own (and essentially can’t hold onto or take with them). To use this content as if it was truly theirs, they must be married to their console.
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There's no escaping these black holes. |
Don’t worry, because the future is not completely dark! The change is simple and needs to be put into place now. All we need to do to have a future of original, engrossing, and most importantly fun video games is change our attitude. This applies to gamers, developers, everyone. We need to embrace the 7th generation and respect it as an era that is truly different from generations past. It does not have to follow the cycle we are used to, and realize that we’ve invested too much in it to throw it to the wind in favor of an eventual 8th generation. Devs: you need to continue your support and interest in making ‘new games’ for the PS3 and 360, and the claims that you can’t because the hardware isn’t strong enough is bullshit. Gamers: be happy with what you have. It’s been going well since 2005/6 so why the urge to get rid of it? Games look great, sound great, and (with proper dev support) play great. We have it all, we just don’t realize it. We are so down pat with the ins and outs of our consoles, now is the time to own it! The devs can make the best games they possibly can since they are so familiar with the technology, and we can play them better than ever as we are so familiar with the control. That is where the possibilities and the fun are endless and can soon become timeless.
RuPaul's Drag Race Season 5 Contestant Lowdown
I’ll be the first to admit it, I neglected and failed my blog for the Allstars season of RuPaul's Drag Race (www.wnrallstars.blogspot.com). Honestly that blog was meant to be a pilot experiment with Blogspot in general, and without W:NR Allstars there would be no W:NR Forever as you see it. I would like to complete it… someday… as long as they keep the episodes viewable on logotv.com. Ideally I wanted to update it in realtime as the season was active, in order to make it more fun and interactive, but it’s over now and honestly it doesn’t matter when I finish it.
Alaska Thunderfuck. How’s that for a name to start off the list! The show is only referring to her as ‘Alaska’ presumably so they don’t have to blur her last name in the graphics and keep bleeping out the last syllable. That said, Drag Race fans should be vaguely familiar with Alaska. Besides being the boyfriend of Season 4 winner Sharon Needles (and making a cameo during a video message to Sharon), Alaska has auditioned for the show since Season 1, and has been featured in the audition tape compilations for every season. For a queen already famous for never being good enough, and Sharon also frequently mentioning this even to RuPaul himself, the fact that Alaska is finally here is slightly odd. What happened to make the 5th time the charm? Snarky queens will probably crucify her for not deserving to be there, saying Ru gave her a break to shut her up (and that Sharon had something to do with it).
Coco Montrese. And here begins the Parade of the Busted. I hate to be critical =P, but… First off is that forehead. Either Coco needs to start the wig lower on her head or wear bangs, and the headpiece isn’t helping. Second is an issue in the dress design: compare her forearms to the rest of her. Finally, full-on face pics are rarely flattering. The more I look at her, the more I see the daughter of Dida Ritz and Lashauwn Beyond. Now in her defense, these stock photos either bring out the best in a queen (Delta Work, Chad Michaels) or the worst (Latrice Royale, Mariah). So let’s do Coco an favor and just call this a one-off really bad picture.
Detox Icunt. Detox has two things in common with Alaska: Drag Race diehards should be vaguely familiar with her, and her last name is not being mentioned on the show due to a bad word in it. Detox made her debut in the Drag Race universe (kinda) as one of the stars of last season contestant Willam’s music video ‘Chow Down (at Chick-fil-A)’. I wonder if any of the other contestants will throw flak on her for that while they’re murdering Alaska? As for Detox’s picture, here’s an example of when full-on face isn’t such a bad choice. Unfinished right eyebrow and weird high-heel optical illusion aside, Detox looks like she’ll be the Raven of the season, a strong-minded performer with a severity that keeps other queens in check. And don’t worry, she wears wigs and looks great in them (citation: Chow Down).
Honey Mahogany. Throw another fish on the ice. Honey’s looking pretty good here, despite being upstaged by her harp. I guess I have a chance here to voice something about skin tone. Whoever’s doing the filtering for these photos has a tendency to mix up the colors of these contestants. Find any other screen grab of Honey and you’ll see she’s like 50x darker than the picture above. Then take the stock photo of Carmen Carrera for example and you’ll notice that she’s like 50x lighter in real life. I know makeup has a lot to do with it but there’s a limit. Not sure what kind of game they’re trying to play here, but it’s not necessary.
Ivy Winters. Wow, there’s some extra tartar sauce on this Filet-O-Fish! (Ok I'm done, no more fish puns.) Ivy probably has the most put-together look of all the queens we’ve seen so far. And extra credit for the flaming torch! Dare I suggest she’s trained in the circus arts like our favorite loudmouth Shannel? (Eh, they probably photoshopped the fire in there while they were altering everyone’s skin tone…) I really don’t have a critique for Ms Winters, other than her name makes me feel she should be dark-haired for some reason. Her makeup, hair and body control are all top class. I’m putting money on her to win, place or show.
Jade Jolie. Ok whoa whoa whoa. Drag Race already has a Jade, and now we have another? Since the show’s messed around with contestant names twice already they should just refer to her as Jolie, which honestly matches her better than Jade does. Or at least that’s what I’m going to do. As for her picture I’m a little torn. Everything looks on par (especially the contour of the dress!) but when I get to her face I kinda go from O_O to 0_o. Call me a heartless bitch but Jolie looks like Ivy’s slightly uglier sister. Hopefully I can blame that on the stock photo retoucher and she winds up looking gorgeous on the runway. Yes, let’s hope for that.
Jinkx Monsoon. Clearly this one’s been taking notes from the Gospel according to Tammie Brown. Take the headliner from the Chuckle Hut, dress him in drag, misspell his name and pop some smelling salts under his nose and you have Jinkx Monsoon. Campy queens have rarely done well in Drag Races past, and by the stock photo alone Jinkx has a lot to prove. He should’ve based his first name off the Pokémon (he wouldn’t be the first racer to do that), because ‘Jynx Monsoon’ writes out miles better.
Lineysha Sparx. The drag names continue to take a nosedive with the worst one yet. First of all I think this is the first time a queen voluntarily showed off a look without wearing heels (or shoes in general). Second, what the hell is she wearing? (Or not wearing?) She must be the most clothed naked queen we’ve seen in a while. It might be the lack of footwear but I’m not feeling this one in the slightest. This look might have worked for the Glamazon persona of Season 4 but as it stands Lineysha is no Season 5 goddess.
Monica Beverly Hillz. Proof that there is such a thing as showing too much leg. And I take it back, this is the worst name so far. There’s too much to it and the misspelling comes off as desperate. This is also the point in the contestant lowdowns where they all start to blend together, literally. The contestants all start looking the same shade of bronze and the names keep getting dumber. I bet she’s like 4 feet tall but it’s illusioned by her shoes, ‘legs 4 dayz’ and the subtle upward angle of the camera (look closely). You can tell I’ve got nothing good to say about Monica so far.
Penny Tration. Look everyone, it’s Lady Bunny’s niece! Besides that resemblance and a name that channels a lowbrow porn star too closely, I’m loving this contestant. After this deluge we’ve had of uninspired men in makeup, this is how you do it properly. She looks like she may be the older one of the group, which has shown to be neither a good or bad omen in seasons past. She also looks like she may be the big girl of the group, since everyone so far has been stick thin. As long as campiness doesn’t overtake her (as it already has with her name), Penny is going to be a really fun one to watch.
Roxxxy Andrews. I hope she knows she’s supposed to be wearing a dress and not a hospital gown. No surprise what she’s trying to serve up here, but it looks like they airbrushed out her crack so the whole thing comes off very odd. Judging by the deceptive cloth draping and angling she may be another plus-sized racer, so Penny might have some competition. Everything about this queen is very confusing. Find the back to your dress, chop some Xs off of your name, and then we’ll talk, Ms Andrews.
Serena ChaCha. Ok now I’m starting to lose track. Here’s yet another bronzed one with a mediocre name and nothing terribly interesting to note. Her look is coming off a little Indian (Hindu) to me, I hope that’s what she was going for. I guess this gives me an opportunity to mention that the theme for the Season 5 stock photos is ‘goddess’. Season 4 had a space-age theme going, Season 1’s was actual drag racing, Season 2 didn’t really have a theme but everyone wore black, and Season 3 didn’t have a theme either but they mostly wore silver. BUT… the theme for Season 3’s final challenge was indeed Greek goddess. For same, RuPaul, for repeating a female trope so soon! Anyway, yeah, ChaCha, whatever.
> Honey Mahogany
> Ivy Winters
> Jade Jolie
> Penny Tration
> Vivienne Pinay
W:NR, Powered by Nespresso
This is an introductory post mainly to show how and what these posts will be like. Whenever things pop in my head I’ll write about them. It can be anything from a rant, a review, an appreciation, an analysis of society… probably all of those at once. But it won’t be a dumb statement like “I like food” just to add to the post count. I’ll try to post as often as possible but I really can’t commit to a schedule. As of now this blog is not paying me a dime, so I’m not under a contractual obligation to do this at any rate. I might post several times in a single day if I’m on a roll, since different topics will get their own posts (as opposed to a giant daily post). Other times a few days might go by without an update, either because I have a life, I can’t get to my MacBook or iPad (yeah I’m an Apple drone), or I’ll simply have nothing to say. Like I said these posts have to have a level of quality.
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Learn to embrace it, people. |
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Retail Price As Shown: $7.20 (plus tax). |
Behold the long-awaited public installment of Warning: No Refuge. This latest (and more or less definitive) blog will finally transition W:NR from offline to online, starting as a humble Blogspot extension and hopefully becoming another cornerstone to the W:NR brand empire that I’d love to mainstream and become my livelihood: my life’s work and life’s dream. Though W:NR has its origins back in 2006, 2013 is the year it goes public, so people can actually read and enjoy what I’ve been keeping to myself all this time. I call this blog W:NR Forever because since this is going online, it will exist in some form and will be able to be circulated and saved to anything, forever. Almost makes me not want to do it…
W:NR is raw, real, uncut, unadulterated, headstrong, overconfident and definitely not always politically correct. You generally won’t find citations, apologies, or both sides of the story. It’s a little bit of Andy Rooney, George Carlin and Archie Bunker, it’s as intelligent as it is stupid, hilarious to some and offensive to others, and the ideas shared may be terrible or really be onto something, but at the end of the day it’s 100% André.
Read on, sound off, and have a blast.
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